IT Procurement Services. Helping you make smart technology investments.

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What is 1Click Conferencing?

They say that there is no substitute for a face-to-face meeting when it comes to getting to know someone, but we’re pretty sure that we’ve found something to challenge that. Welcome to 1Click. Arrow’s 1Click is the most user-friendly teleconferencing software on the market. Not only versatile and powerful, 1Click is also extremely easy to [...]

What is the NBN and is it available at my site?

The NBN – or National Broadband Network – is a national wholesale-only, open-access data network. The Australian government’s communications website states that it will, “give all Australians access to very fast broadband over fixed lines, wireless or via satellite.” The site says there will be various ways that the NBN will be delivered. The current [...]

By |2022-01-17T08:09:06+11:00June 9th, 2016|Arrow Voice, Internet Services, NBN|

Is Cloud Storage Safe?

In recent years, cloud computing has become a fairly common way of storing your data. Most of us use cloud computing and cloud storage, such as the Photos program on the Apple platform, Google Photos, Google Docs, Dropbox and other similar products. Even still, the one question a lot of people have is whether or [...]

By |2022-01-17T08:09:07+11:00June 2nd, 2016|Arrow Voice, Cloud, Cloud Phone Systems|

Relocating your business?

Moving house can be stressful. It’s made even more so when your “house” is a company office with phones, internet, hardware and staff to relocate! The first thing to think about is when. It helps to have a firm relocation date planned. Some of our great Arrow services take longer to relocate than others, and [...]