Even with redundancies in place, equipment will sometimes fail. Most of the time it’s something that can be swapped out easily, like a monitor or a desk chair. Sometimes, it’s something a bit more critical, like your phone system.
Ordinarily, your phone system (much like a good data service) is something that you want to set up and then forget about. It’s something you use to do business, not a classic car that you want to spend all your time tinkering with. This leads to large periods where it’s quite easy to forget that phones are actually sophisticated pieces of equipment that do occasionally need maintenance.
A situation that occurs far too often is one in which your phone system fails and you realise that it was originally set up by a technician who has since retired and maintained by an employee who left the organisation several years ago. This can rapidly spiral into disaster, leading to lost productivity and income while you try and find out what has happened.
This is why it is a good idea to have a maintenance contract on your phone equipment. A maintenance contract will generally include access to technical support for fast resolution of common issues and technician call outs for larger faults. The other bonus is that any hardware failures that occur while under a maintenance contract will be replaced at no cost, meaning that you don’t have to worry about unexpected expenses while you are working to bring your system back online.
When entering a PABX maintenance contract, you’ll want to be prepared with a fact sheet for your phone system, including the following information:
If you’d like to know more about maintenance contracts, or simply want to look into Murphy-proofing your system, please contact one of our friendly account managers.